Hine's Story I am 70. It’s great to have reached this age. The storms of life have taken different forms – one of those was a diagnosis for myeloma, a blood cancer. In 2016 I had a stem cell transplant. I’m now considered in a state of remission, for which I am very grateful. My doctor told me that people who have faith do better. I live my life believing that this is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Watching Shine is a great experience for me – it builds me up. I’m happy to donate to Shine because of the good works it does reaching anyone, whether they have a Lamborghini or no car at all. It’s there for that need that is inherent in us all. We all need to be able to turn to something that will help build us up. We love to hear how God is using your media ministry to impact and bless lives. If you would like to share your story click here.